Understanding the Effects of Cold on Construction Sites

Winter-specific issues can complicate construction projects in cold weather. The cold can cause problems in productivity and decrease safety for your workers.

Your construction site must be adequately heated to maintain project efficiency. 

Concrete is affected by cold weather

Concrete dries and a chemical reaction occurs that changes the structure's liquid state to solid. Concrete's temperature has a significant impact on how fast this transformation happens. Concrete must dry quickly to achieve a durable finish. Protect concrete from freezing temperatures, which can slow down drying.

Concrete must be protected from freezing temperatures. Concrete can freeze before it dries, which can cause damage to its structure and make it less durable than possible. Concrete must be strong enough to withstand pressure since water expands when it freezes.

Drywall Finishing in the Cold

Spackle and joint compound can become brittle if it is exposed to temperatures below 60 degrees F. When it comes to painting the wall, you'll have problems as well. Cold temperatures slow down evaporation so the paint will take longer to dry. This can increase your project time and decrease your productivity if you consider the drying times between coats.

Also, consider the effects of cold on your paint's chemical structure. Paint that is too cold will cause it to thicken and make it nearly impossible for you to spread.

Cold conditions can cause health problems

Construction workers in cold weather are often exposed to conditions such as hypothermia and frostbite according to OSHA. These conditions are caused by the body losing heat faster than it can replenish and blood leaving extremities to protect internal organs. Colder temperatures increase the risk and damp conditions can worsen it.

Construction heater rentals

Proper heating of your construction site should be a top priority once you have considered the negative effects cold can have on productivity, equipment, and worker safety.

The perfect solution for open construction sites that need temporary heat to cure concrete or paint. 

Direct-fired heaters 

Direct-fired heaters can be powered by gas, propane, or diesel fuel. They convert 100% of the fuel supply into direct heat. Direct-fired heaters can increase the temperature in space due to an exposed flame. Therefore, your construction site must be adequately ventilated to prevent high levels of moisture or unsafe CO2 emissions.

Construction drying can sometimes become a problem on sites with high levels of moisture. High levels of humidity can cause delays in your project, increase mold risk and weaken your space's foundation. A rental heater for construction can be used to control temperature, but a dehumidifier can help limit moisture and keep your project on track.

You might rent industrial fans if your job requires heat in multiple areas of your site. Although it may seem silly to rent fans in the winter, industrial fans allow you to choose where heat is being received.

Indirect Fired Heaters are the best type of heater to rent if your site is enclosed. To heat a heat exchanger, indirect-fired heaters use propane or diesel fuel to increase the temperature of the space. Indirect-fired heaters are usually installed outdoors and pump air into rooms through attached conduit work.

In conclusion, cold weather can significantly impact construction sites. It can cause delays in work schedules, increase the costs of materials, and pose health and safety risks to workers. To mitigate the effects of cold weather, it is important to rent a heating system for workers to keep them warm. In doing so, construction sites can continue to operate efficiently and effectively, even in challenging weather conditions.

Preferred Climate Solutions offer heating and cooling solution in Texas and surrounding areas. We have a wide range of portable heaters, from electric heaters to warm smaller areas, to indirect-fired heaters that provide up to 588,000 BTUs of heat.

Call us to find the right type and size heater for your job.

Preferred Climate Solutions


14818 Park Almeda Dr, Houston, Texas 77047


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