What Caused My Swamp Cooler To Stop Working?

It's not a topic that's fun to write about if your swamp cooler isn’t working. This real-life problem can be even more frustrating, especially if your swamp cooling system is your primary source of staying cool in the heat.

Swamp Cooler

Imagine living in an area that is hotter and more humid than the sun, but your swamp cooler isn't working. It's almost like living in high humidity without any air conditioning, and the best alternative for this is swamp cooler rentals. It can actually drop the temperature of the air and provide you coolness.

You can either identify and repair the problem yourself or hire a professional.

Sometimes, it might be time to replace the evaporative cooling system with a brand-new one.

What Is The Life Expectancy Of Swamp Cooler Rentals?

A swamp cooler rental's life expectancy is between 15 and 20 years if it is well maintained. It doesn't need to be repaired like an HVAC system because there aren't many moving parts.

Although older units may not work as well as they used to, they still provide cool and humid air within a space. You should schedule a repair if your swamp cooler stops working.

It can be helpful for you to get the problem solved so that you can continue to benefit from the system for many years. Life expectancy may be affected by the features of the swamp cooler. Additionally, certain areas may require a swamp cooler that works harder. If you live in very dry and hot climates, your swamp cooler might last up to 15 years. However, cooler regions along the East Coast may see coolers that last longer than 25 years.

How To Tell If Your Outdoor Swamp Cooler Rental Is Having Problems

It is crucial to troubleshoot if your outdoor swamp cooler rental stops providing cold air or is working harder to cool the room.

It's necessary to check the temperature of the air and whether it is providing the cool air that you have become used to or not.

To ensure adequate airflow, check the exhaust ducts and open all windows.

Check to make sure there are no signs of damage to your cooler. It may be possible that there should be rust, water leakage, or mold growth on the cooler.

These are signs that your heater needs to be repaired. You should also inspect the circuit breaker and fuse box if you are experiencing problems with powering up the unit.

You can rest assured that the unit is able to generate power.

Once you have identified the problem, it is possible to determine what type of repair is required.

There Are A Few Reasons Your Swamp Cooler Isn't Working

There are many reasons your swamp cooler may not be functioning appropriately. After you have inspected all the components, you can begin to determine what needs to be addressed and if you need to contact a professional to schedule a repair.

Improper Maintenance

If you haven’t maintained your swamp cooler correctly, you may have a clogged filter or a damaged water line.

Stagnant Water

If you are using a swamp cooler in humid areas, you can leave water inside the water pan. The swamp cooler will eventually develop bacteria, which can cause an unpleasant odor.

Insufficient Cleaning

You might notice that different components of your cooler start to corrode if you don't clean it every four to six months.

The corrosion can lead to system compromise over time.

When Is It Time To Replace My Swamp Cooler?

It is necessary to recognize when your swamp cooler needs to be replaced. You'll need to take into account a few factors.

       The age of cooler

       High efficiency

       Repairs costs

It might be a better idea to buy a new unit if the cost for the repair of the swamp cooler is higher than 50%.

Similar to the previous example, if your system has been in constant repair over the years, it's better to purchase a new one.

The ability to regulate the temperature and humidity levels is also more effective in newer systems.


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